Privacy is almost extinct
How privacy can become non-existent and the difference between necessary and desired purchases
Fear and Paranoia
The majority of the population is fascinated and aware of the new technological advances in day to day devices used in our home for music, television shows, movies, etc. Suspicions of the television watching us in our homes has been a fear for almost a decade…listening devices as well as small cameras and microphones now available at your nearest tech store, all are making an entrance in our homes at our own will sometimes. Once you walk out of the door of your home, you are always being watched. There are cameras on each street light, every inch of buildings, inside your work space, restaurants and any other public area. The sobering pill was easier to swallow when we were confident that our homes were our safe haven. Whether you live in an apartment or a single-family home, it used to be a comforting fact that when we entered our residence, we could relax and there were minimal worries about being watched in the bathroom or someone eavesdropping when company is visiting (unless you have very thin walls of course). The comfort in our own homes that we pay rent, mortgage, utilities and maintenance for is slowly fading as revelations are exposed for many tech devices.
Obtainable for court?
Take Amazon’s Echo device, also known as “Alexa”, it can turn our home lights on and off and has the ability to control other convenient avenues such as opening applications, giving scores of sport games, answering phone calls, playing games and enabling a movie to play, all without lifting a finger. The singular word to enable this device is it’s name “Alexa” followed by the command you want the device to perform. All of the benefits, efficiency and convenience are fascinating as well as tempting, however there are usually downsides to devices such as this.
Many were surprised and even considered the situation laughable when Amazon was requested to provide the Echo recordings of James Bates, an Arkansas resident, was the Defendant in the murder of his friend and local police officer, Victor Collins. It is laughable that this device was even considered for a murder case especially when the reason was revealed, but the prosecuting attorney, Nathan Smith, continued to push and demand for the recordings. How does the Amazon Echo enter a murder case? It entered this murder case due to someone present on the night of Victor Collins’ death recalling that music was streaming through the device. The prosecuting attorney was able to obtain a search warrant however Amazon refused to provide the information twice. The first-degree murder case was eventually dismissed and Amazon only provided Bates’ subscriber information, however this doesn’t exactly ease the fear or paranoia. If the strong-arming increased by a growing amount of other parties, the recordings could have very well been provided. If the judicial system or the government really wants something, they can definitely obtain it eventually.
We deserve privacy
The fact that a device used by millions of customers in their private residences could be a factor in any case is astounding. The Amazon Echo was marketed to just make certain tasks easier and more convenient…after this report of the search warrant for the recordings, it’s understandable to fear that one has to be conscious of conversations in their own home. The want and need for privacy in our homes is not because we are planning illegal and negative ventures, the desire for privacy is due to the right to our own personal privacy. Instances such as the aforementioned murder case reveal that privacy is diminishing and there is not much we can do to prolong or end the advances of technology that can allow the government and other agencies into our home lives. These devices are still sold and purchased despite the breach in privacy.
Looking at you looking at me
The latest versions of Smart TVs have cameras and microphones installed and hackers can not only track your viewing habits and functions such as volume control, they can also hack into your camera and microphone to listen and see you as you watch television. Brands such as Samsung, Phillips and TCL are among those that appear attractive to the average hacker and have the most vulnerability for hacking. Once again, these devices were meant for convenience and it is still subject to invading privacy.
Hackers also can gain access to our microphone and camera on our phones and computers. We are all aware of the dangers of hackers accessing our computers and being prompted to pay by card to save the computer from crashing or hackers obtaining data stored on our computer. Most applications, including social media apps, on our phones are subject to hackers and data being sold or leaked. Hacks into computers or phones are more accepted these days due to the progression of privacy settings and easy recovery of our information, in addition to our knowledge of hacking and preparation for decades just in case. Most applications downloaded on our phones or computers are subject to spying on us as well, however the application will request access to your device’s camera and/or microphone prior to fully accessing parts of the application. These accesses in the application are also spelled out in the terms and conditions, but who doesn’t have Facebook and Twitter? Some companies use applications for employees and business purposes. Non-use of applications and devices for avoidance of privacy breaching is slightly far-fetched, but there are precautions that can be taken currently and in the future.
Involuntary vs. Voluntary
In 2019, cell phones, computers and wi-fi are necessities, it’s nearly impossible to function in the world without them… not because of social media and networking but for communication and utilization tools for work. The extinction of privacy is revolving around everyone, the privacy breaching devices such as the Amazon Echo, Smart TVs and microscopic cameras and microphones are purchased voluntarily, meaning that the customer is very aware of the functionality of the device and makes the decision to purchase for recreational use. Purchases of cell phones and computers can be considered as involuntary purchases where the consumer is aware of the functionality however advances in data and personal information protection are available to circumvent the damage. Also, these involuntary purchases are necessities in society.
Take note
The purpose of this information is not meant to boycott certain devices, only to spread awareness of how it can decrease privacy in homes as well as the level of accessibility threat. Privacy is important to everyone, and everyone deserves to feel and know that their home is a safe haven. Take precautions in every avenue of technology and keep your eyes and ears open for new updates in protective measures.